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These classmates couldn't make it to the Reunion but submitted pictures.


Joanne Denapole Kibbe
Ed and Joanne Kibbe

Lynn Luther
(and family, right)


From Dick Hegeman

"After sending you my updated addresses earlier today I received, here in Florida,  a copy of the Evening Telegram of October 7, 2007.
Please find attached a copy of a part of the page, which includes an item about the class of 1957, which was in the June 6, 1957 Telegram, and a couple of pictures.  Not very good quality as the newspaper was quite unclear.  However, if you increase the size of the picture it becomes much more legible.
Unforunately, I had a commitment in North Carolina on the weekend of the reunion and was not able to attend.  However, I look forward to the next one and  am anxious to see the reunion pictures as you get them loaded onto the class web site."

Click here to see the full size, readable version. (Warning: 1.5 Mb file.)


Jeannette Currier Armstrong

From Jeannette Currier

Clipping from an article in the local Springfield Center NY newspaper. Click here to see the full size, readable version.


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