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2007 Reunion Pictures

(High resolution printable versions of most these pictures are available.)

Janice Staley

"Thanks to you and the committee for a great reunion.  Everything was so well planned and organized.  It's hard to believe we could get so many of the class together.  And everyone looks so good!  Even my husband enjoys our reunions.  He keeps telling me how lucky I was to go to a small school."

Bill Schaepe




Carolyn Wood

David Letts

Charlie Riesel

Chuck Nile

"Thanks to you and the others who worked to make our 50th reunion such a success."

Donna Coriale

Donna March

Elizabeth Hitchcock

Ellen Eastwood

Ellen Gird

Diane King

Fran Pavliga

George Sitts

Gertrude Polley

Jack Sanderson

Janet Carr

Janet Fitzgibbons

"I thought the reunion was a huge success thanks to our reunion committee, once again.  They obviously spent many hours organizing and and planning everything to make this reunion very special.  Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.  Thanks again."
Janet Fitzgibbons Ladd

Jim Remis

Jim Smith

Jim Sorenson

Joanne Phillips

Joe Fortuna

Judie Hughes

Leo McCoy

Marguerite Rowland

Marie Conley

Mary Jane Remmell

"Wow!  What a wonderful time we had.  Thank you all again and again."

Pat Googin

Fran Spatol

Roberta Long

Victor Hall

Sandra Curtis

Sally Donahue

Veronica Caffrey

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